ALEx - The Advancement of Latinos in Engineering
About ALEx
The purpose of The Advancement of Latinos in Engineering is to expose high school students to a university setting and inspire them to pursue a career in a STEM program. By letting students interact with each other and professionals in a fun environment, we hope to inspire them. We want them to ask questions and use analytical skills during workshops that are also designed to encourage teamwork and critical thinking. ALE is centered on empowering Hispanics. Hispanics make up a very small percentage of students seeking a career in STEM. The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and ALEx hope to improve the Hispanic community by promoting STEM awareness, access, support and development.
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
ALEx VP: Kadence Moore
Email: [email protected]
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
ALEx VP: Kadence Moore
Email: [email protected]