University of Arizona SHPE Chapter By-Laws
Name of Chapter: SHPE/University of Arizona
Name of Chapter: SHPE/University of Arizona
We, the members of Hispanic background and students at the University of Arizona enrolled in a curricula of Engineering and Applied Sciences, freely undertake the challenge to increase the number of Hispanics entering these disciplines, improve significantly the continuation and graduation of these students and achieve a higher unity among ourselves. With the serious purpose above, dedicate our efforts to establish this constitution for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Student Chapter, on the University of Arizona Campus at Tucson, Arizona.
Article I
This organization shall be known as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Student Chapter, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (SHPE/UA).
Article II
To achieve a sense of community among Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students at UA and other SHPE student chapters.
To seek out and recruit potential Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students.
To improve the retention of Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students at UA.
To assist University faculty and staff to learn and appreciate the Hispanic culture.
Article III
Membership shall be open to all persons without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or physical handicap. And becomes official upon meeting 3 out of the 8 following mandates:
Section I
There shall be three classifications of membership in the SHPE/UA chapter:
1. Regular Member: Regular members shall consist of students enrolled at the University of Arizona. All regular members must establish a membership with SHPE Inc.
2. Associate Member: Associate members shall consist of all those persons who do not fall under the category of regular members. Associate membership shall be active members and be granted by the general body. Annual membership fees may be waived. Associate members are strongly encouraged to establish a membership with SHPE Inc.
3. Honorary Member: Honorary members will be those persons who are not regular members of SHPE/UA that have excelled in helping SHPE/UA meet its goals. Honorary members shall be chosen by the general body and annual membership fees waived. Honorary members shall not be regular members.
Section II
1. Regular and associate members shall be entitled to: attend and speak at meetings; to present motions, resolutions and other business; to nominate candidates for office; to be a candidate for office; to hold office; to inspect the official records of the organization and to participate in any SHPE activity.
2. Associate members shall be entitled to attend and speak at general meetings and to participate in any SHPE activity. Paid associate members of SHPE Inc. shall have the privilege to vote in SHPE/UA elections and/or business concerning SHPE/UA.
3. Honorary members shall have the privilege to attend and speak at SHPE/UA general meetings and to participate in any SHPE/UA activities. Honorary members shall not have the privilege to vote or hold office.
Article IV
Section 1
1. The titles of the officers shall be: President, Executive Vice President, La Familia Vice President, Advancement of LatinX in Engineering Vice President, Science Day Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Operations, Webmaster, Academic Coordinator and SHPE Jr Coordinator. 2. The officers shall be known as SHPE/UA Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be elected as is stipulated in Article V of the SHPE/UA Constitution; this Board will have the powers to act on behalf of the organization on emergency matters.
Section 2
President: The President shall be responsible for the actions of SHPE/UA; shall preside at all meetings of SHPE/UA; shall be responsible for the structure of the organization; coordinate LeaderSHPE, and shall be a liaison to the SHPE National and Regional Leadership.
Executive Vice President: The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in their duties; shall assume the duties of the President in their absence; shall document the End of the Year Report; shall facilitate conference registration and travel; shall invite companies to general body meetings; and shall act as a liaison to University of Arizona-affiliated programs.
Secretary: Shall take accurate minutes at all meetings; shall send minutes and reminders to chapter listservs; shall be responsible for inter-chapter correspondence; shall maintain a file of all correspondence of the organization; shall plan, organize and make sure that the End of the Year Banquet takes place.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall record the financial flow of SHPE/UA; shall be responsible for the financial records of SHPE/UA; shall organize chapter fundraisers; shall plan, organize and make sure the chapter is represented at Spring Fling and shall assist the rest of the Executive Board wherever and whenever possible.
Director of Operations: Shall facilitate the logistics of chapter events, this includes but is not limited to booking rooms for outreach events. Shall collaborate with outreach event coordinators. Shall assist with chapter documentation. Shall assist the treasurer with financial responsibilities.
La Familia Vice President: The La Familia Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that La Familia takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and file for a La Familia Technology Grant. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Advancement of Latinx in Engineering Vice President: The Advancement of Latinx in Engineering Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that Advancement of Latinx in Engineering takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and ACE Proposal for their event. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Science Day Vice President: The Science Day Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that Science Day takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and ACE Proposal for their event. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Webmaster: The Webmaster shall re-design and maintain the website with weekly updates on new important information, events and pictures; shall take pictures during SHPE/UA-related events; shall re-design and create recruiting materials; shall assist all other Executive Board Members whenever and wherever possible.
Academic Coordinator: The Academic Chair shall be responsible for promoting and enhancing academic development within our chapter and acting as liaison to chapter advisor to track academic progress. This will entail the creation and organization of academic workshops, study sessions (both general and course-related), and a chapter study bank; and compilation of scholarships, internships, and job opportunities for chapter members. Assist all other Executive Board Members whenever and wherever possible.
SHPE Jr. Coordinator: Will be in charge of coordinating with High Schools to create SHPE Jr chapters. The SHPE Jr. Coordinator will be the main contact with the students at each chapter and will ensure all programs/events are handled successfully to benefit the students at said chapters. All other business involving SHPE Jr chapters will be handled accordingly by the SHPE Jr coordinator.
Article V
Section 1
Elections of SHPE/UA officers will be before May 1 of each year. Election date will be posted at least two (2) weeks before the election.
Section 2
The duration of the term of officers shall be one (1) year, beginning no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the election.
Section 7
If an office is vacated for any reason, the remaining officers shall nominate a candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. In the event of non-approval, nominations will be taken from the floor and voted on at the same meeting. The newly elected officers shall serve the remainder of the term.
Section 8
In the event the Office of the President is vacated, the Executive Vice President shall assume the office of the President and the remaining officers shall nominate a new Executive Vice President candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. The vacant Executive Board position shall be elected as per Article V, Section 7.
Article VI
Section 1
A quorum shall consist of two-fifths (2/5) of the total membership and the President or Executive Vice President plus one other officer.
Section 2
General Meetings shall be held weekly and special meetings shall be called when necessary.
Section 3
Executive Board meetings will be held weekly and special meetings shall be called when necessary.
Article VII
Section 1
The duration of one (1) fiscal year shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Section 2
Each member shall be required to pay dues for each year, as established by the SHPE Inc. membership dues.
Article VIII
Section 1
Committees shall be established by the President or may be voted into existence by the SHPE/UA at a general meeting of the membership. If a committee is voted into existence, a chairperson for that committee will be chosen as per Article VIII, Section 2.
Section 2
The President shall appoint the committee chairperson subject to the approval of the group members.
Article IX
Section 1
Amendments to the SHPE/UA Constitution will be brought before the membership for consideration and shall be posted on the SHPE bulleting board seven (7) school days before the meeting of the concerned membership. Amendments should be announced at the previous meeting before the meeting for voting on amendments.
Section 2
The SHPE/UA Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a general meeting, and the proposed amendment will become effected as stipulated. If there is no stipulation, the amendment shall become effective at the following meeting. Any member may propose an amendment to the Executive Board at any time. With Executive Board approval, the proposed amendment can be brought before the general membership for a vote. The general membership meeting shall be defined as the quorum defined by Article VI, Section 1.
Article X
Section 1
An officer will be impeached for not performing his/her duties as specified by this constitution for his/her particular position. An officer will also be impeached for continued absenteeism and misconduct.
Section 2
When the President is impeached, the Executive Vice President will occupy the office of the President, the remaining officers shall nominate a new Executive Vice President candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. In the event of non-approval, nominations will be taken from the floor and voted on at the same meeting. The newly elected officers shall serve the remainder of the term. The voluntary resignation of one of the above officers will follow the same steps described for impeachment of the President. The Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster positions will be filled by electing a new officer to fill the vacant positions that may be due to impeachment or voluntary resignation.
Section 3
To impeach an officer, a petition signed by three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership must be submitted by a representative, chosen by the general membership, to the Executive Board. The Executive Board upon receiving this petition will hold a special conference with the officer-to-be-impeached to warn him about his position standing. The Executive Board will decide on a time period to hold another meeting to decide on the impeachment. The time period must be informed to the general membership as defined by the quorum. The impeachment meeting shall consist of the Executive Board members, except the officer-to-be-impeached, and the petition representative. By majority vote, the impeachment decision will be made in this meeting.
The Executive Board can impeach one of its officers by informing the members of this decision and by having the three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership sign a petition and have a chosen representative to submit it to the Executive Board. The impeachment procedure will follow the one described above.
This Constitution shall be ratified and enacted upon by two-thirds (2/3) of the members, and upon the approval of the SHPE National Board of Directors.
We, the members of Hispanic background and students at the University of Arizona enrolled in a curricula of Engineering and Applied Sciences, freely undertake the challenge to increase the number of Hispanics entering these disciplines, improve significantly the continuation and graduation of these students and achieve a higher unity among ourselves. With the serious purpose above, dedicate our efforts to establish this constitution for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Student Chapter, on the University of Arizona Campus at Tucson, Arizona.
Article I
This organization shall be known as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Student Chapter, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (SHPE/UA).
Article II
To achieve a sense of community among Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students at UA and other SHPE student chapters.
To seek out and recruit potential Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students.
To improve the retention of Hispanic engineering and applied sciences students at UA.
To assist University faculty and staff to learn and appreciate the Hispanic culture.
Article III
Membership shall be open to all persons without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or physical handicap. And becomes official upon meeting 3 out of the 8 following mandates:
- Attending 5 Meetings in either semester
- Helping out at one outreach event
- Being a part of one committee
- Going to the National Conference/RLDC
- Become a National Member
- Participate in one of the E-Week Events for SHPE
- Play in Intramural sports for a team organized by SHPE
- Attend 3 Study Sessions
Section I
There shall be three classifications of membership in the SHPE/UA chapter:
1. Regular Member: Regular members shall consist of students enrolled at the University of Arizona. All regular members must establish a membership with SHPE Inc.
2. Associate Member: Associate members shall consist of all those persons who do not fall under the category of regular members. Associate membership shall be active members and be granted by the general body. Annual membership fees may be waived. Associate members are strongly encouraged to establish a membership with SHPE Inc.
3. Honorary Member: Honorary members will be those persons who are not regular members of SHPE/UA that have excelled in helping SHPE/UA meet its goals. Honorary members shall be chosen by the general body and annual membership fees waived. Honorary members shall not be regular members.
Section II
1. Regular and associate members shall be entitled to: attend and speak at meetings; to present motions, resolutions and other business; to nominate candidates for office; to be a candidate for office; to hold office; to inspect the official records of the organization and to participate in any SHPE activity.
2. Associate members shall be entitled to attend and speak at general meetings and to participate in any SHPE activity. Paid associate members of SHPE Inc. shall have the privilege to vote in SHPE/UA elections and/or business concerning SHPE/UA.
3. Honorary members shall have the privilege to attend and speak at SHPE/UA general meetings and to participate in any SHPE/UA activities. Honorary members shall not have the privilege to vote or hold office.
Article IV
Section 1
1. The titles of the officers shall be: President, Executive Vice President, La Familia Vice President, Advancement of LatinX in Engineering Vice President, Science Day Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Operations, Webmaster, Academic Coordinator and SHPE Jr Coordinator. 2. The officers shall be known as SHPE/UA Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be elected as is stipulated in Article V of the SHPE/UA Constitution; this Board will have the powers to act on behalf of the organization on emergency matters.
Section 2
President: The President shall be responsible for the actions of SHPE/UA; shall preside at all meetings of SHPE/UA; shall be responsible for the structure of the organization; coordinate LeaderSHPE, and shall be a liaison to the SHPE National and Regional Leadership.
Executive Vice President: The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in their duties; shall assume the duties of the President in their absence; shall document the End of the Year Report; shall facilitate conference registration and travel; shall invite companies to general body meetings; and shall act as a liaison to University of Arizona-affiliated programs.
Secretary: Shall take accurate minutes at all meetings; shall send minutes and reminders to chapter listservs; shall be responsible for inter-chapter correspondence; shall maintain a file of all correspondence of the organization; shall plan, organize and make sure that the End of the Year Banquet takes place.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall record the financial flow of SHPE/UA; shall be responsible for the financial records of SHPE/UA; shall organize chapter fundraisers; shall plan, organize and make sure the chapter is represented at Spring Fling and shall assist the rest of the Executive Board wherever and whenever possible.
Director of Operations: Shall facilitate the logistics of chapter events, this includes but is not limited to booking rooms for outreach events. Shall collaborate with outreach event coordinators. Shall assist with chapter documentation. Shall assist the treasurer with financial responsibilities.
La Familia Vice President: The La Familia Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that La Familia takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and file for a La Familia Technology Grant. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Advancement of Latinx in Engineering Vice President: The Advancement of Latinx in Engineering Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that Advancement of Latinx in Engineering takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and ACE Proposal for their event. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Science Day Vice President: The Science Day Vice President shall plan, organize, and make sure that Science Day takes place. Shall compile and submit a Continuous Feedback Form and ACE Proposal for their event. Shall assist the President, Executive Vice President, and other Vice Presidents in their duties.
Webmaster: The Webmaster shall re-design and maintain the website with weekly updates on new important information, events and pictures; shall take pictures during SHPE/UA-related events; shall re-design and create recruiting materials; shall assist all other Executive Board Members whenever and wherever possible.
Academic Coordinator: The Academic Chair shall be responsible for promoting and enhancing academic development within our chapter and acting as liaison to chapter advisor to track academic progress. This will entail the creation and organization of academic workshops, study sessions (both general and course-related), and a chapter study bank; and compilation of scholarships, internships, and job opportunities for chapter members. Assist all other Executive Board Members whenever and wherever possible.
SHPE Jr. Coordinator: Will be in charge of coordinating with High Schools to create SHPE Jr chapters. The SHPE Jr. Coordinator will be the main contact with the students at each chapter and will ensure all programs/events are handled successfully to benefit the students at said chapters. All other business involving SHPE Jr chapters will be handled accordingly by the SHPE Jr coordinator.
Article V
Section 1
Elections of SHPE/UA officers will be before May 1 of each year. Election date will be posted at least two (2) weeks before the election.
Section 2
The duration of the term of officers shall be one (1) year, beginning no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the election.
Section 7
If an office is vacated for any reason, the remaining officers shall nominate a candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. In the event of non-approval, nominations will be taken from the floor and voted on at the same meeting. The newly elected officers shall serve the remainder of the term.
Section 8
In the event the Office of the President is vacated, the Executive Vice President shall assume the office of the President and the remaining officers shall nominate a new Executive Vice President candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. The vacant Executive Board position shall be elected as per Article V, Section 7.
Article VI
Section 1
A quorum shall consist of two-fifths (2/5) of the total membership and the President or Executive Vice President plus one other officer.
Section 2
General Meetings shall be held weekly and special meetings shall be called when necessary.
Section 3
Executive Board meetings will be held weekly and special meetings shall be called when necessary.
Article VII
Section 1
The duration of one (1) fiscal year shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Section 2
Each member shall be required to pay dues for each year, as established by the SHPE Inc. membership dues.
Article VIII
Section 1
Committees shall be established by the President or may be voted into existence by the SHPE/UA at a general meeting of the membership. If a committee is voted into existence, a chairperson for that committee will be chosen as per Article VIII, Section 2.
Section 2
The President shall appoint the committee chairperson subject to the approval of the group members.
Article IX
Section 1
Amendments to the SHPE/UA Constitution will be brought before the membership for consideration and shall be posted on the SHPE bulleting board seven (7) school days before the meeting of the concerned membership. Amendments should be announced at the previous meeting before the meeting for voting on amendments.
Section 2
The SHPE/UA Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a general meeting, and the proposed amendment will become effected as stipulated. If there is no stipulation, the amendment shall become effective at the following meeting. Any member may propose an amendment to the Executive Board at any time. With Executive Board approval, the proposed amendment can be brought before the general membership for a vote. The general membership meeting shall be defined as the quorum defined by Article VI, Section 1.
Article X
Section 1
An officer will be impeached for not performing his/her duties as specified by this constitution for his/her particular position. An officer will also be impeached for continued absenteeism and misconduct.
Section 2
When the President is impeached, the Executive Vice President will occupy the office of the President, the remaining officers shall nominate a new Executive Vice President candidate subject to the approval of the chapter's regular members. In the event of non-approval, nominations will be taken from the floor and voted on at the same meeting. The newly elected officers shall serve the remainder of the term. The voluntary resignation of one of the above officers will follow the same steps described for impeachment of the President. The Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster positions will be filled by electing a new officer to fill the vacant positions that may be due to impeachment or voluntary resignation.
Section 3
To impeach an officer, a petition signed by three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership must be submitted by a representative, chosen by the general membership, to the Executive Board. The Executive Board upon receiving this petition will hold a special conference with the officer-to-be-impeached to warn him about his position standing. The Executive Board will decide on a time period to hold another meeting to decide on the impeachment. The time period must be informed to the general membership as defined by the quorum. The impeachment meeting shall consist of the Executive Board members, except the officer-to-be-impeached, and the petition representative. By majority vote, the impeachment decision will be made in this meeting.
The Executive Board can impeach one of its officers by informing the members of this decision and by having the three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership sign a petition and have a chosen representative to submit it to the Executive Board. The impeachment procedure will follow the one described above.
This Constitution shall be ratified and enacted upon by two-thirds (2/3) of the members, and upon the approval of the SHPE National Board of Directors.